Tuesday, May 21, 2013

An Applique Tutorial from My*Sweet*Sunshine

Have you ever wondered what exactly goes into making a hand applique?  Leslie from My*Sweet*Sunshine gives a quick tutorial on how she makes hers.  

I've always have questions on how I applique. I don't have an embroidery machine, I use my trusty Kenmore sewing machine when I applique.  Back when I was just starting out, I had a few designer friends that took the time to explain the process.  There are different ways to do it, varying stitch lengths, different supplies, etc. but the basic process is still the same.  Here's how I was taught, and even though this tutorial is a few years old, I still applique the same way.

Choose your picture/design. Print it out or trace it. 

Trace each piece of the picture onto a fusible web (I use HeatnBond Lite) Pay attention to how you want to layer your pieces. Trace pieces that will be the base pieces a little bigger so the layers overlap. 

Choose your fabrics for your applique, roughly cut out each piece and iron it onto the wrong side of your fabric.

Cut out your applique pieces. Use a washable pen or pencil and trace the face, or any detail work you'll need markings for. You can either use a light box or a window to do this. Start layering your pieces, like a puzzle.

Poor Princess is looking a little cross-eyed!!

Don't forget to put a stabilizer onto the back of your fabric. I backed almost the entire piece of background fabric for this applique. It makes it easier to maneuver in the machine, and it will keep the fabric from puckering.  If the stabilizer starts to come off while you are stitching (it will) just iron it on again.

Start appliqueing!! I use a zig zag stitch. For the outside lines, I usually have my machine width set at 3.3 and it's Length set at .4. For inside detail lines and Facial features stitch length and width will vary - Her mouth I had my Width at 2.5 and Length at .4

For straight lines, you can let the machine feed the fabric through, but for curves, gently guide your fabric. If you have to stop and make a tight turn, put your needle down and pivot the fabric a little at a time. I try to get the outside edge of my stitching as close to the edge of the applique fabric as possible. (I took the foot off for the picture)

Almost Done! Back - you can see the stabilizer, I already tore off the excess that was outside the applique.

I finished Cindy by stitching her eyelashess by hand (literally ;) )

Most designers that hand applique will tell you the face characters are the hardest to applique.  Their facial features are hard to get just right.  I think Cinderella is one of the harder Princess to applique!! I can never get her eyes just right!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Another Side with Shanna Filburn

Another Side of a MSB Designer

Hi again!  This is Shanna Filburn of Creative CHEERific Creations.  One of the things the Main Street Boutiques designers have learned about each other over the past year is that we all have a wide range of talents.  We thought it would be fun to show you another side of the MSB Designers.
I am a mom of 3 and wife of a firefighter.  Here is my family,  and sadly the only family picture I have!

I consider myself a stay at home mom, although that really seems like stretch when you look at my schedule.  I am also a Nursery Assistant at my church.  I work Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and any other occasional need that arises.  I LOVE this ministry and the outlet it provides my stir crazy side. These are some of the lovely ladies I am blessed to work with and call friends.

I of course design and sew.  We can call this my 3rd job. I keep my business small so that I have time to create fun things in my hectic schedule.  When I am not obsessing about Disney (like that really ever stops!) and dreaming up my next sewing creation, I bake as a fundraiser.
It all started with my oldest daughter Kaedyn.  From the time she was VERY small she was a little performer.  She is also very athletic. The sport that stuck…All Star Cheer.  Isn’t she cute??!!


Now, some of you may have a kid in cheer and know the CRAZY amount of money it costs.  If not, IT IS A LOT OF MONEY! So, I had to come up with a fundraising idea to help this one income family keep up with the cost.  My mother in law suggested cake truffles.  What started out as a one-time event turned into a demanded product and we managed to fund ALL of cheer with cake truffles!  That is where we came up with my business name!  *Warning* The next few images may cause you to cheat on your diet and grab something sweet.  MMMM  Truffles! Yes, they do taste as good as they look J

So, there you have it!  My 4th job and secret talent.  Even if Kaedyn doesn’t cheer her way to Worlds one day, I know I will have a great income source to fund the dreams of her younger two siblings.  Look at these sweet faces!

Now, wouldn’t you work, sew and bake all ours of the day and night to help them succeed?  Thanks so much for reading more about me!  I can’t wait to show you what I have been dreaming up for our next launch!!
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ruffling with Dental Floss

Good Morning MSB fans.  Hope it is starting to feel like spring/summer wherever you are.  I sure am enjoying the extra sunshine.

Today we are going to introduce you to one of our designers and let her walk you though a quick little tutorial on ruffling.  This can be great for someone who has a little bit of confidence with a sewing machine and wants to extend the life of your little girls jeans.

The designer I am talking about is Jessica from Magical Memories by Jessica.  She is best known for her outstanding hand applique shirts. She is a stay at home mom to one wonderful son, Dallas and a pretty great husband too. She loves to create and be crafty and sewing is just a wonderful way to let out all her creative energy. She owns her own online shop, but also enjoys sewing for Wish Kids who have been granted a wish to visit Disney.  She does this as part of the Dis Big Give, a group started on the DISboards and is maintained by several wonderful Disboutiquers.

 I am going to link you to her blog for this tutorial (Cause it's just easier that way, lol)  So, here is Ruffling With Dental Floss

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